Lookup phone number 2016868765

Did you receive an unknown call from phone number 2016868765? Or strange text messages? Is it an unwanted phone number call? It may be nuisance calls, telemarketing calls, cold calls, harassing calls, prank calls, even dangerous scam calls, in this case, use Phone Lookup Mark Database, you can first lookup the mark of this phone number, search this phone number history comment, maybe it can help you with a simple plan.

Phone number 2016868765 is a standard 10-digit US phone number. It may display different formats on different devices. Such as these:

(201)686-8765, 201-6868765, +12016868765, +1201-686-8765, 0012016868765 ...

The country code of the United States is +1, +1 and 001 are the same.

Phone number 2016868765 Area Code is 201

State: New Jersey

Area Code: 201 Area Code

State: New Jersey

Center City: Jersey City

Phone Used: (201) 686-

Primary City: Hackensack, NJ

Owned Company: Sprint Spectrum L.p.

County: Bergen

Owned Type: Cell Number

Owned Carrier: Sprint Spectrum L.p.

Counties: Bergen County

Full Zip Code: 07083 (33%), 07470 (33%), 07474 (33%)

Region hot city: New Jersey

State & Region & County & City & Location map with Area Code

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When you receive unwanted calls!

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Lookup phone number 2016868765 mark and comment, if this phone number are many comments, you can reference the experience of others.

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Linda Sep-23,2020
We just got a call from this number 2018101482 that threatened to shut off our power within the next 45 minutes if we didn't pay $300 and they were insisting that we use Cash App to pay it to Georgia Power. I could not find any info on this on GA Power's website, so we did not do it.
Greg Sep-26,2020
I have gotten a call from them as well, and they talk really quick and ask a lot of questions. It seemed to me that they are attempting to get you say specific phrases (potentially to record). He kept asking me the same questions to try and get me to say the exact wording he mentioned. When I didn't say what he wanted he continued to ask me until I just ended up hanging up the phone (this went on at least 8 times for 1 question). They mention they will send an email and confirm your email address (not sure how they got it), but I guarantee nothing will come through. I wouldn't give this person any information at all
Stiven Sep-26,2020
: Apple is looking for people to Test & Keep the New iPhone But only the st users that goto iphonetest-co and enter code BETA will Receive itThis is the txt message they are sending out- It is a scam
Sushana Sep-26,2020
They keep telling me my internet will be cut off in 24 hours if I don’t press 1, which I did not do they are using various numbers not always from same number SCAM
Gabriela Sep-26,2020
This woman will tell you that she needs your help getting money. She will want your bank information and a copy of your ID and your SSN. When you say no to her, she becomes disgusting, as if you are doing a bad thing. She's not very good at what she does and often throws out words in her native language that I don't know.
Briana J Sep-26,2020
Got phone calls today-No massages-Any ideas?Thanks
Aster Sep-26,2020
Got called at 3:45 am and no one was talking at the other end. Had the same thing yesterday and it was a scam for Visa card.
Glory Sep-26,2020
they call me many times and ask for my name, and i ask who calling they talk so fast, i said tell me who are you and they hang out the phone
Erin Sep-26,2020
My service provider identified caller as Potential Spam. The caller did not leave a message.
Bill Sep-26,2020
Scam Wants you to go to a website
Ruiz Aejandro Sep-26,2020
We just got a call from this number 201-686-8765 that threatened to shut off our power within the next 45 minutes if we didn't pay $450 and they were insisting that we use Cash App to pay it to Georgia Power. I could not find any info on this on GA Power's website, so we did not do it.

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